Every divisional chart has some story in it and without them we can’t predict accurately. D-1 chart is only the foundation chart, whatever results D-1 promises that should also be promised in these divisional chart, because D-1 is having a span of 2 hours approx and many births can take place in these hours, but […]
Secrets of 9th house in Vedic Astrology
The KILLER of all our actions or karma! 9th house is the killer of our actions and efforts. It is the house of dharma, fortunes, luck, father, teacher, judiciary, fixed things or karma(present birth), ancestors, higher learning, one’s religious beliefs, ethics, explorations, longer journeys also intuition and supra conscious. 9th house is the most favorable and 9th lord […]
Astrological reasons for government job
Government job is a very vast topic to discuss because of certain levels in it and it also depends on locations, time and background. But the rule of astrology is same everywhere. So, before moving ahead always aware of Desh, Kaal and Patra. So, let’s get started. Significators: Sun: Sun is the most important planet to be watched for government […]