Government job is a very vast topic to discuss because of certain levels in it and it also depends on locations, time and background. But the rule of astrology is same everywhere. So, before moving ahead always aware of Desh, Kaal and Patra.
So, let’s get started.
Sun: Sun is the most important planet to be watched for government job. But never forget that Sun also represents job or career having link with higher authority or administration or something royal, and this could be possible in private jobs or business also.
Moon: Moon is the 2nd most important planet, as moon is known as queen in vedic astrology. Moon also represents lower level job or state level government jobs.
Saturn: Saturn represents service and is the main significators of our karma.
Amatyakarka: Planet having 2nd highest degree in horoscope is considered as Amatyakarka. It is represents our career, name, fame, money matters etc.
Houses or Bhava:
Artha Trikona houses are very important, these are 2, 6, and 10.
10 house: This is the house of our karma or actions, occupation, career etc.
2nd house: It is the 5th house from 10th house showing creations, future prospects etc of our career. Naturally it represents our accumulated wealth, values etc.
6th house: It is 9th house from our 10th house showing official undertakings, luck, daily routine of work. It also shows past life pending karma which is going to complete in present birth.
11th house is also very important to watch. 11th is our desires, earnings, gains through work, recognition from work etc.
5th house also holds some clue because it’s ruled by sun in kalapursha kundali and is 8th from 10 house showing hidden or internal qualities of career.
Some important combinations for govt job are:
- Connection of a strong Sun with artha houses or their lords. Moon can also be considered, but sun should have at least a slight relation.
- Any connection of Sun and Saturn is very important. This combination also denotes low level govt. Jobs, but not necessarily.
- Connection of Sun or moon with 11th house or lord.
- Sun having relation with Amatyakarka is very important factor.
- Leo sign having relation with Artha houses or their lords.
Most important part is to analyse above points from these lagna or ascendants:
- Moon ascendant
- Birth ascendant
- Navamsha ascendant (D-9)
- Karakamsha ascendant
- Arudha ascendant
- Dashamsha ascendant(D-10)
- Indu ascendant (see influence of sun and moon on Artha and 11th house)
- Shastiamsha(D-60 use should be only when time is exact)
Note: Sun can also denote job having relations with government or having royal or administrative job. So, it depends on horoscope and other factors of astrology. But after analyzing given information we can sure up-to 95% that person would have govt job or job having good connections with govt.
E.g. Here is the horoscope of a very honest & hard working police officer. Let’s see the astrological reasons of having govt. job as police officer.
Natal Chart analysis: See Artha house lords, Mars & Jupiter. They are placed in 10th house with Ketu and Sun is the dispositer of them, so Sun is connected to Artha houses/lords. Amatyakarka is Sun itself and is placed with 11th lord too. Sun is aspected by Mars and Moon, two best friends. Sun is strong and well placed in ascendant. Mars and Moon having lordship of 9th and 6th houses of law & order, and mars is significator of these things. Presence of Jupiter in 10th is making him ideal.

Navamsha Chart: Now, let’s confirm things in D-9 or Navamsha. Confirmation by navamsha is very important because birth chart is not able to give subtle view. In Navamsha, Sun is again connected to Artha houses. Sun is having mutual aspects with Mars, the 10th lord in 3rd house and Mars is also aspecting the 6th house. Jupiter is the dispositer of Sun and placed in 6th house and Saturn is with Sun and aspecting the 6th house from his 10th aspect. Sun is in 10th house from 11th lord having quadrant effect on 11th lord, Venus. And Sun & Mars is also connected with Saturn, the 7th & 8th lord of public and sudden mishaps or crimes.

Dashamsha Chart: D-10 is the main chart for career or karma. Here Sun being 2nd lord is exalted in 10th house in sign of Mars and Mars is aspecting the 6th lord in 11th house, the Jupiter and Mars is also aspected by 8th lord in 8th house, Saturn. The D-10 lagna lord Moon is clearly connected with 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th lord or houses, since Mars, Saturn and Jupiter is aspecting the Moon in 3rd house and sign lord of Moon is aspected by Sun. So, Lagna is also connected with all these crimes, laws, sudden mishaps, public, jail, short or long distance travels and Significator like Sun and Mars are confirming him as a police officer. 6th house in D-10 is the daily routine of our work or profession. The placement of 7th and 8th lord in 6th house and 6th lord being aspected by Mars is showing the daily routine of a police officer which is dealing with crimes, sudden mishaps, disputes and maintaining law & order.