There should be more and stronger dhana yogas in the birth chart, basically very strong wealth houses, 2nd and 11th with strong dharma trikona, 1, 5 and 9 houses.Two great benefics, Jupiter and Venus should be very well placed. Alone Venus can’t do the job. Rahu is also important in this kaliyuga because most of the things are controlled by Rahu. Bill Gates was the richest man because of computer related software work mainly. And so is amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. And last the stability with Saturn. So, without karma karaka Saturn one should never dream of becoming rich or king. There are also some yogas of divisional charts, but that may be complicated here. Some general ashtakavarga rules: |
- 11th and 2nd house having much more points then 12th and 10th houses. 2nd is more important because it is accumulated wealth.
- 2nd and 11th having more points in bhin-ashtakavarga of Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus.
More than this, Indu and Shree Lagna are very important. Examples:
Bill Gates

I have attached both the D-1 and D-4 (property) charts. 1st see 5th house, it is in paap-kartari, but with good combinations, as a result of kartari he dropped out of Harvard university. But combination has to give results, because it is very strong due to close conjunction of Venus and Saturn in 10th lord nakshatra, dropped out due to work and business. Now, why rich? 11th and lagna combination, and aspected by Pisces Moon, of Saturn Nakshatra. Saturn in Powerful Raj and Dhana Yoga. 10th relation with 3rd is always good. Rahu in 6th but it improved in D-9 and in 10th house and aspected by Mercury. Rajyoga’s and dhana yoga in D-4 is again strong. Mars in lagna, 2nd lord, Rahu in 6th and dispositor in 11th house, Jupiter in 6th house in friendly sign, and Venus-Saturn in 5th house, 11th lord in 5th and 5th lord is with 4th lord. the 12th house is weak, having only 22 ashtakavarga points. In D-1 again 2nd is more points than 12th. Best feature of D-4 is Mars in lagna, 2nd lord in lagna is always very good in terms of wealth. |
Ordinary Man, A Millionaire

2nd lord in lagna, conjunction of 5th and lagna lord in 3rd house, where Jupiter has Mars in his sign. Dhana yoga’s are less. So, he was ordinary and was a millionaire, though 2nd and 11th having more points than 12th and 10th house. Saturn is retro and in neutral sign, lacks in stability.In D-4, Moon-Venus forming dhana yoga and aspected by Jupiter is good, but Moon is weak.
Bad yoga in 7th house, his finances disturbed due to marriage related matters and depression. Rahu in 6th good, not that good in 12th house. 12th Rahu made him work in foreign country, he is a NRI.
I showed the simplest way to see things to some extent, but this is only the 1st or 2nd layer, there are many layers to be analysed to get an exact picture.
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