Before coming to the real technique that when they give benefic results. I must refresh your memory about fundamentals of these houses. In Vedic Astrology, as per the sage Parashar- the lord of tri-shad-aye (3rd, 6th, & 11th) gives malefic results in their dashas. Where lord of 11th is most malefic & least is 3rd. […]
Rare and fine-tuned technique of double transit to time events | Vedic Astrology
Transits are one of the important aspects of vedic astrology. Western astrology times event through transit of planets, they don’t have the dasha system. But Hindu or Vedic astrology has a wide range of dasha system and sages have advised to use transit along with it, and it makes vedic astrology far superior than any […]
Astrological combinations to become an IAS officer
IAS officer is not an ordinary status. It is an highly administrative profile, the one who deals with government & ministers etc. It is a kind of a royal job or work. No classics have written about the IAS officers planetary combinations. But, it is a work where individual deals with royal figures and have […]