Before predicting anything, I want to show some history of Rahu/Ketu transit in Gemini and Taurus. And not only Rahu-Ketu, transit of malefics in Rohini nakshatra has been very bad for humans, leads to wars, famine, epidemics, natural calamities. Also according to Sh. Varahamihira, Saturn in Cancer is bad, I take it as bad for nourishment of life on earth.
Have a look on few major pandemics and astrological transits:
- 1350, black death, Rahu in gemini/taurus
- 1817, cholera , Rahu in taurus
- 1890, Russian flu, Rahu in gemini/taurus
- 1918, flu, Ketu in gemini
- 1957. Asian flu, Ketu in taurus
- 2009-10, swine flu, Ketu in Cancer-Gemini
Note: I also found afflicted Jupiter in epidemics, the cure. And in respiratory issues Gemini/taurus sign heavily afflicted having Rahu/Ketu in it.
Few more of wars, terrorism, natural calamities.
- 23-01-1556, Shaanxi earthquake causes many deaths. Rahu in Taurus, about to move in Rohini.
- September 1887, Yellow river flood, China. Rahu, Mars, Saturn in Cancer.
- 1913–14, World War-1, Sat in Taurus.
- 1942–44, World War-2, Sat in Taurus.
- 13-April-1919, Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Ketu in Taurus (Rohini)
- 1946-47, Hindu-Muslim riots, lots of loss of life. Rahu in Taurus, Sat in Cancer.
- 1971–72, Indo-Pak war, Sat in Taurus.
- July 1976, Tangshan earthquake, Sat in Cancer.
- 1984, Bhopal gas tragedy, operation blue star and assassination of Indian P.M. Rahu in taurus.
- 2001–02, earthquake(bhuj, Gujrat), world trade center destruction, Gujarat riots. Sat in Rohini, and Rahu in Gemini/Taurus.
In wars etc. Saturn afflicting taurus/cancer signs, with rahu/ketu.
I mentioned these dates to shows the applicability of classic texts and history always teach some lesson.
Why COVID-19 or Coronavirus? And when it will slow down or perfect cure?
Two eclipse in a lunar month is always stated very bad in our classical texts.
All planets on 3–9 axis. Where mercury is badly afflicted and weak. Mercury is in enemy sign, in gandanta and it’s Ganatikaraka indicating disease (it will not change throughout the eclipse because of moon much higher degrees)
We can see the kind of affliction Gemini sign is having, responsible for respiratory things. Gemini is aspected by Mars, 6th lord from gemini, and Saturn, 8th lord from it. Clearly means that such disease will never disappear completely and will have a place in the world.
Mars is closer to Rahu-Ketu and 1st case of virus officially reported on 11–01–2020. Mercury is deeply combust and Moon-Mercury having close mutual aspect(Does that mean something)
On Moon-Mercury, one of the classic (not remembering the name) stated that mutual aspect of them are financially bad and gives ups and downs, here they are aflicted as well. So, financially bad for transport, media, entertainment, sports, share market.
Here is the tweet:
So, slow down will start or some relief is available after the movement of mars in Capricorn, 22–03–2020. Mars was infecting the 3rd sign (Gemini) of Kaala-Purusha Kundali (Aries Ascendant) , Mars is 8th lord from Kaal-Purusha Kundali and 6th lord from Gemini sign, and has infected the Gemini from December and helped the spread of Virus. Now, its movement in Capricorn will be relief because of two reasons lagna of Kaal-Purusha Kundali get strengthen as lord will be out of Rahu-Ketu axis and exalted as well.
Movement of Jupiter in Capricorn, on 30-03-2020 and getting out of Rahu-Ketu axis and Neech Bhanga by Sat and Mars will also help, with Sun getting more close to Aires and getting exalted on 13-04-2020 will bring another major relief. Sun is very important because it is jeeva or life giver on earth.
Lastly, everything(whole world) will be normal with retrograde motion of Jupiter on 14–05–2020, Retrogression of Jupiter in Capricorn and moving back to Sagittarius will bring major cure. He will aspect Gemini again from Capricorn and Sagittarius with more power (having high chesta bala due to retrogression) And later two benefics Mercury and Venus will join Jupiter’s aspect in Gemini-Sagittarius axis in June and will throw this disease away. So, Revival process will start after 15 May 2020, and in June it will speedup.
What Next?
Rahu will be in taurus from sept 2020. And political, terrorism, other natural calamities, riots, economic slowdown will get promoted. These things will be on peak with jup-sat conjunction and Jupiter‘s debilitation will create lack of idealism in people which leads to these types of problems.
Till then stay safe and alert. 2021 start will not be good. Yes, Rahu in Taurus will be a troublesome period & will also bring some major long lasting changes in lifestyle of common people.
With Rahu in Aries, we can expect some normalisation of Virus within common people & later on with Rahu-Jupiter in Aries in 2023- we can say we will have complete normalcy as it was before Covid-19.
As a result of Mars in Capricorn, 22/03/2020. Many countries announced lock downs around that time including India, many advanced kits were developed, which helped in control of Virus to some extent.