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It has been an absolute pleasure to interact with Yashraj ji. He provided detailed answer for each one of my queries with a detailed planet and dasha positioning based facts. His initial past event predictions were 100% accurate and with few which would have been known to me only.
Another impressive point is that he shared answer to my queries on a text file which could be easily referenced later in the life. Highlighted cautious periods and also predicted outcome. Hope he keeps sharing his knowledge and safe guard people lives with predictive science.
Yashraj was good at understanding chart and situation of mine . Questions regarding past really put depth in analysis . I would recommend him for analysis and prediction whole heartedly .
I like the way Yashraj Ji does the analysis. He does a thorough analysis covering your parents/grandparent/child/wife, so I enquired him about the problems I was facing for the purchase of a new house. While reading my chart he predicted some past events in my life. So the thing which makes me trust him is via chart he is well able to find out the past events and possible root cause of the problem. The root cause of the problem is past deeds (be in a current or past life) of yours or your family. He suggested some remedies which can help in solving my current issue and also advised me about some small things in life in general for family welfare.
I am really glad to connect with him, he is doing a wonderful job of propagating pure astrology (predictions based on calculations) which is a very vast subject.
Om Namah Shivaya !!
first time in my life I understood why I suffer. what I have done in my past life which is making me to suffer right now. great analysis by sir with proofs using past events & pattern of life. i had misbehaved with lady guru and today I am suffering in this life.
Yashraj is very straight forward and practical in his approach while giving the consultations. After throughly analysing the chart he gives the predictions. He takes ample time to go through each and every chart and answers every query asked by us even when the queries are not under the perview of taken consultation category. This shows how eager he is to help everyone selflessly with the help of astrology than just being concerned about money making like other ponga pandits who are more focused on making money than actually solving the clients problems with the sacred knowledge of vedic astrology. Sometimes Yashraj’s consultation takes more than usual time but I request everyone to hold your horses because whatsoever consultation he would come up with you will be more than satisfied. I am writing this review after struggling to get accurate, in depth consultation for more than 4 years from the renowed astrologers on youtube and after wasting lot of bucks. Do not fall for the name as there are so many prayers out there to fool you (most of them are well-known btw) in the name of astrology by giving you all wrong predictions. Yashraj is not that famous but his way of consultation is far better and fine than anybody else. I pray that those who really need genuine help with the help of vedic astrology the universe shall cross their paths with Yashraj. 🙏
Thanks Yashraj Ji!
Best wishes for Aaskplanets to become the best astrological site in future!
Regards, Tejal.