This is my first original research in my astrological journey. Before going ahead, I would like to thank my guru and maternal grand father Sh. Panna Lal Sharma ji. I am able to do this only because of his blessings.
What is Karakamsha Lagna and it’s Calculation?
Karakasmha Lagna is special lagna or chart in Jaimini astrology. It is mainly used to judge the career or profession, but we should also use it for other aspects of life from this lagna.
See Atmakaraka (the highest degree planet) sign in navamsha and make that sign as lagna in birth chart retaining all planetary positions. Eg. If Jup is Atmakaraka and placed in Libra sign in navamsha, then using Libra as lagna in birth chart. But never get confuse with swamasha lagna which is using Atmakaraka sign in navamsha only not in birth chart, means making libra as lagna in navamsha.
Why using D-60 sign of Atmakaraka instead of Navamsha or D-9?
Actually D-60 is more important chart then all divisional charts. D-60 is more subtle, and rarely used because of it’s sensitiveness. Using navamsha sign is not so precise because atmakaraka sign in navamsha may not change for a day if moon is not interrupting. If Atmakarka will not change it’s sign for a day or even 5-6 hours, then people born between these would have same Karakamsha lagna and promises in chart. It will be difficult and confusing to judge and results would be not so precise and gives blurred picture of one’s destiny.
So, I just thought that if Rishi Parashara ji has given more points to D-60 than D-9. Then why we can’t use D-60 because using D-60 for a sign is not so subtle. D-60 Lagna sign changes every 2 mins approx. and fastest moving planet moon changes it’s sign every 55 mins approx. Normally everyone has 2-3 mins error in time of birth, could be more also. But because sign for a planet is not so subtle, so we can use Atmkaraka sign of D-60 for Karakasmha lagna in birth chart. Using D-60 sign of Atmakaraka would be more precise than using navamsha sign, but navamsha sign should be used too, I did’t say that it is wrong, only not so clear. I performed a research on this and found it to be working and is more easier to judge things. I am sharing only 10 cases here that how it’s working.
I will show both, Atmakarka postion in D-60(right chart), and using it’s sign in D-1, D-60 based karkamsha(left chart). Karakamsha based on D-9 is also shown in some cases to show the blurred picture of it and how D-60 based karkamsha is much more clearer.
Note: Only Jaimini rashi/sign aspects has been taken.
Case 1: Amitabh Bachchan- Famous actor

In Big B’s chart, AK goes into Virgo sign in D-60. So, Virgo will be used in D-1 for karkamsha lagna. But Sun (AK) is in Leo D-9. So, Natural or D-9 based karkamsha is Leo.
Now, 1st see natural one, Leo is karkamsha with many planets in 2nd house of speech and presentation. And Moon aspecting 10th house is enough for acting field. From 2nd house, aspect of those on 5th has given him many awards and rewarded with doctorate degree as well, though he was science student in schooling. Aspect of Mars and Sun is there, but this not so clear because benefics also aspect. 10th Saturn can also show one in technical field but he’s artist.
Now, see D-60 Karkamsha, Virgo is ascendant. With 4 planets, Sun and Venus too. We all know his fame. Venus and Mercury aspecting 10th house, where gemini is present, 3rd sign of media, art etc. 3rd lord Mars is also aspecting, he was best in angry young man roles. Ketu in 6th has also given him bad health, that is the lowest part of his life. Everything is fine, except his health. From 9th house, many planets in 5th, father was great writer and poet.
We can see how, D-60 Karakamsha give more clearer picture than normal one.
Case 2: Shri KN Rao- Famous astrologer and IA & AS officer

We all know about him and his work in astrology is top class. He AK in Libra D-60. So, Libra will be Karkamsha (D-60 based) and AK is in Leo in D-9, therefore normal karkamsha is with Leo lagna.
In D-9 based karkamsha, Saturn in 5th can show technical education, because aspected by Sun, Rahu-Ketu and Mercury. But Mercury dominates because it is exalted and gave education in accounts and english MA which is Sun also, but this could be engineering as well. Such a work in astrology is not clear with Moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter’s aspect. Though again Jupiter dominated from 12th because of exalted and 8th lord. But 3 aspects from 3rd shows art or writing, though he written books. But picture is blurred with this, not clear as compared to D-60.
See D-60 karkamsha, Jupiter in 10th house in ashelsha nakshtra, mercury in 12th house. Jupiter also aspects his 5th house, he learnt and practiced astrology. Jupiter in mercury nakshtra also gave him career in accounts, especially with 12th placed mercury and sun, 11th house of wealth. 3rd lord in 10th, and Jupiter clearly shows his writing astro books, and some political also because Saturn in 3rd. His all books having dark blue cover page, 3rd Saturn. Moon, Mars and Venus aspect is good for English MA with Jupiter aspect also.
Case 3: Nargis Dutt- Actress

Her AK is mercury, and in D-60, it’s in Pisces sign. So, Pisces will be our karkamsha. And in D-9 it’s in Virgo, therefore D-9 based normal karkamsha is Virgo.
In normal karkamsha, 3 planets are in 9th house and in artist sign of Venus is okay. 3rd house of craft and art is only aspected by Venus and Mars, where Venus is artistic planet only. Lagna is aspected by Saturn is good for fame. 8th Rahu has given her serious disease, cancer. This more prominent with 6th Moon. Everything is good but artistic influence is weaker.
Now see D-60 karkamsha, 10th lord in 3rd house in benefic sign and Venus in 2nd is better and clear picture showing arts. Saturn in 10th house and aspecting lagna, again good for fame. 8th Ketu is again serious illness. This karkamsha shows artistic qualities much much better than normal one.
Case 4: Ordinary Person

Background- This man worked in financial fields, bank, sales and advisory as well, in foreign country only. Had love marriage and late child birth. Also faced many ups & down in career.
From normal karkamsha, Venus and Moon is influencing the Kendras, A good yoga of artists but he is not. 12th lord aspeting 10th lord in 3rd house, showing foreign service, also 4th lord in 12th house. 5th in 7th house is good for love marriage also receiving Venus aspect. 5th placed Saturn shows delay in child birth too. But education in commerce is not clear.
From D-60 karkamsha, 10th lord in 12th is clear showing work in foreign only. Lagna having mercury and sun is clearly showing a man working in finances, Venus and Moon aspecting 5th is also clearly non-technical education. 7th and 5th conjunction in lagna is love marriage again. Delay in child birth 8th moon is aspirating and 5th lord & PK is aspected by Saturn from 6th house. Again we can see that this D-60 clears picture better than D-9 karkamsha.
Most important point is, He is facing problems in his career from last 8-9 years. Shri Mahadeva has stated that dasha of AK is of fall or ups & down. He’s is currently running with Aquarius char mahadasha. And AK is in Aquarius, in only D-60. We may not see or predict this, if we don’t use karka’s position in D-60. This also means, if one karkamsha lagna rashi/sign dasha is running then it may not be good.
Case 5: Ordinary Person

Background– Working in foreign country and in a non-technical department. Education in humanities.
From Normal karkamsha, Mars in 5th house in airy sign is giving doubt in non-technical education. Doubt because aspected by Jup, Mer and Moon. He is in foreign 4th lord in 7th house is okay, aspeting 12th house and 12th lord, Rahu and Sun aspecting 4th is good. 10th house is only aspected by 12th lord and Amk Venus is not related to 12th strongly for work in foreign.
Now from D-60 karkamsha, Mercury in 5th and receiving aspect of Jup, Moon and Mars is better and clear for non-technical. 4th lord in 6th house and heavily afflicted and from 12th Ketu aspects 4th and 12th lord in 2nd house is very clear. Venus is Amk also and receiving aspect of 12th lord is way better, and 10th lord in 3rd, whose dispositer is aspected by 12th lord. 12th lord in 2nd is best for work in foreign.
Case 6: Ordinary Person

Background- An E.N.T surgeon.
Now, I will only show D-60 karkamsha. Jupiter in Lagna is best for a doctor. 5th house having Mer, Sun and Saturn (all three in Rahu’s nakshatra and Rahu in scorpio) and receiving the aspect of Moon, the 6th lord, is good for study of medical sciences. 8th sign rising in 10th house and aspected but Mars shows surgery clearly.
Case 7: Ordinary Person

Background– She is medical student, completed MBBS and facing problems in post graduation. Also facing problems in eyes.
5th house aspected by Mars, Sun, Rahu and Venus from watery sign is enough for medical. 2nd house having Gulika and Mandi with Moon, and aspected by Saturn, Sun, Mars, Rahu and Venus and afflicts the eye. Problem in Higher education due to afflicted 9th house.
Case 8: Late Rajiv Gandhi, former P.M of India

He had love marriage, 7th lord in 5th house. Mother was very strong and famous, many planets in 4th house is enough. Enrolled for mechanical engineering, but did not complete. But trained pilot, Mars in 5th and Saturn aspecting it given technical education but obstructed due to lack of benefic aspect. Rahu’s aspect on 7th, wife is foreigner. 10th lord in 2nd house, finally followed family work, politics.
Case 9: Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

His actual birth lagna is his D-60 karkamsha also, AK in gemini in D-60.
Technical education, Saturn, Venus and Sun in 5th and Ketu aspect on 5th, with Jupiter. He was an dropout, 5th is in pap-kartari. Pap-kartari is also a kind of technical influence. He is famous, Mercury aspeting lagna. It is written in Jaimini sutras that Mercury and Saturn aspect on karakmsha makes one famous and distinctive in his field. 12th Ketu, make one to do charity as well.
Case 10: Ordinary Person

Background: Law student.
Libra is Karkamsha lagna, sign of justice. 5th house is having ketu only and receiving the aspect of Venus and Mars from the Libra, lord of 5th is Saturn and in 6th house of Law. Jupiter and Saturn doing kartari of 5th house is again good for law. Moon in 2nd house in gandanta, mother’s married life is bad, 7th lord from the 4th house.
I have only shown 10 examples. I would request to all readers to practice it and leave a feedback in comment.
Also, You can get this D-60 based karkamsha lagna in our jyotshika astrology app.
Excellent one. I have tried both d60 and d9 it works just one question if karakamsa lagna is that important then why don’t we see results from karakamsa lagna directly instead of looking into D1 which often lacks necessary information.
Thanks for your feedback. Check it as much as possible on D-60 especially. Birth Lagna is the desire of physical body whereas Karakamsha lagna is the desire of ultimate soul & god. One has to sum-up the results from all lagnas D-1, D-9, KL and AL.
Thank you very much for this well thought out and well articulated method of interpretation. In my own case, my D1 Aruda Lagna is the same as my Karakamsa based on D60 Atmakaraka, so for me this affirms that others expect (Aruda) me to act as my true nature (D60). Their perception of me is very close to my essential nature, and thus it is affirmed that I acknowledge my true nature and work on my most essential issues from past lives that interfere with my evolution. I am encouraged to pay close attention to the perceptions of others (AL), as these perceptions accurately reflect my accumulated karmas (D60), and thus I may more quickly improve myself (D9).
This is so nice of you to share.. such a valuable piece of research.
Astrology deserves much more accolades..than it is having in recent times.
People like you help others to understand this beautiful science more…
Much gratitude and appreciation for your well researched work. I always had a thought about this and believed D-60 was much more appropriate for this considering people who would have for days their Atmakaraka Saturn or Jupiter in the same nakshatra and pada. Could you share more insights on how Swamsa chart differs from Karakamsa in D-60?
Aap ki samaz bahot deep hai.
Aapki jotish me samaz bahot deep hai……..
This post on Karakamsha Lagna and the D-60 Atmakaraka sign is truly enlightening! I appreciate the depth of research and the insightful connections made between the Atmakaraka and individual life experiences. It’s fascinating how these astrological elements can provide a deeper understanding of our paths. Thank you for sharing this original research!