In the world of Vedic astrology, where the stars guide destinies, the Rashi chart often steals the spotlight. But, hold on! Is it enough to predict someone’s fate based on a chart that changes every two hours? Sounds a bit off, right? Let’s dive into the real magic – the divisional charts, or varga charts, introduced by the wise Sage Parashara. They go up to D60 and connect like pieces of a puzzle, giving us a more detailed picture. Oddly enough, many stick to the basics and miss this cosmic treasure.
Beyond the Basics
Forget about the Rashi charts – they’re like a quick snapshot that doesn’t tell the whole story. Just a 2-hour gap can send two people born under the same zodiac sign on completely different life adventures. Vedic astrology, a truly scientific art, urges us to explore the varga charts to grasp the full impact of the cosmic dance on our lives.
A Tale of Two Lives
Let’s take a peek at the horoscopes of two folks born within just 30 minutes of each other in the same hospital and schooled in the same place. It’s like looking into a cosmic mirror to see how varga charts can reveal the unique stories each person carries.


Here are the charts for these two individuals. The female was born 30 minutes before the male in the same hospital. Notice a difference of approximately 6 degrees in the Lagna chart, which will lead to distinct varga charts.
- It is an Amavasya birth. The Moon is considered weak, and the Lord of the 4th House and Moon (mother) are also in a 2-12 relationship. This does indicate potential challenges for the mother in general, but in which ways and to what extent require further exploration.
- The placement of the 4th lord (residence) in the 8th house (transformation) does indicate a potential change of residence. Interestingly, this prediction manifested in only one case, despite both individuals experiencing almost same dasha since birth.
- The placement of the 3rd lord of siblings in the 6th house, aspected by the 8th lord Saturn, and with an aspect on the 3rd house by Mars, along with only malefics in kendra from 3rd house, and the presence of Rahu in the 8th house, raises concerns about the survival of younger siblings. Given that both individuals had no younger siblings, the question remains about the well-being and survival of elder siblings in this astrological configuration.
- The placement of the 5th lord of education in the 9th house, aspected by retrograde Saturn from the 12th house (which is also the 8th lord), suggests a potential interruption or break in education. Furthermore, with the 12th house association, there may be indications of education in hostel-like environments. However, the unique experiences of both individuals have led to different stories in this regard.
- As for the 5th lord in the sign of Jeeva karaka Jupiter, and Jupiter being the 6th lord in the 2nd house, aspected by Saturn, there are indications of education related to research and medicine (6th house themes)- they both have similar education pattern to tell!
What happened to Mother?

Here is the Navamsha chart of both individuals. Navamsha is the chart of actual results, and we can also say it refines the story of one’s prarabdha. People focus on Nakshatra-based astrology, where each Nakshatra has a span of 13 degrees 20 minutes. Each pada of Nakshatra is 3 degrees 20 minutes, so in Navamsha, it tells the exact position of planets in a house.
Examine their Navamsha charts independently concerning matters related to their mother. Every event should be confirmed in Navamsha, as it serves as the core chart, the engine of the complete horoscope.
- In the male’s Navamsha, it is of Aquarius. We are aware that the Moon and the 4th lord were not favorable in the Rashi chart, and the same holds true here – in a 2-12 relationship. However, in the Navamsha, the 4th lord Venus is in a Raj-Yoga with Saturn and Mercury, improving the conditions for the mother. The 4th house contains Ketu but receives an aspect from Jeeva Karaka Jupiter, acting as a savior. It has only caused some minor health issues for his mother.
- Now, let’s examine the Navamsha of the female. The 4th house has two malefics, posing a potential danger to the mother. Furthermore, the 4th lord goes into the 12th house, receiving an aspect from the malefic Saturn from the 3rd house, which is 12th from the 4th house – a doubly unfavourable situation for the mother. The Moon is equally afflicted in the 2nd house, being the 8th lord of death. Unfortunately, her mother passed away in 2019.
You see how the different Navamsha, despite the same Rashi chart, has changed the course of what we had observed in the Rashi chart.
Who moved to different place after the birth?
The female moved to a different city after her birth. Notice the afflicted 4th house and 4th lord in the 12th house in the Navamsha. In the male horoscope, 4th house & lord were strongly placed in fixed rashis, result in no major movement.
What about siblings?
Both are the youngest children of their parents. The male has one elder brother, and the female has one elder sister. They have elder siblings, but of different genders. Why?
Again, looking at the Navamsha, in the male’s chart, there is Mars-Sun in kendra to the 11th house of elder siblings, and the lord is Jupiter (male) in a Mars sign, which is with Sun – all are male planets. In the female’s chart, the 11th lord is Venus, with Saturn (eunuch), and aspected by Mercury (eunuch), resulting in a female elder.
Their Education?
In the case of the female, she cleared the NEET exam with very good marks and had only a one-year gap before securing admission in medical school. In her Navamsha, the 5th and 9th lords of education are in kendra, in the sign of Jeeva Jupiter, and aspected by it from the 12th house of hospitals. This favorable configuration, coupled with being in the dasha of Mars, a yoga karaka in both Rashi and Navamsha, contributed to her successful admission in MBBS. Furthermore, the karaka of education, Mercury, is in the 9th house, under the influence of the Sun, indicating a positive educational situation.
In the male’s chart, the 5th lord is now Mercury, placed in the 6th house of the Rashi chart. There is also Saraswati yoga, with all Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in kendra and the 2nd lord as well. He has consistently been a topper, but due to some issues, he was not able to clear NEET with the desired marks. Mercury is in the 7th house, aspected by the 12th lord of hospitals. Additionally, from the Aquarius sign, which is related to drugs, Venus (the karaka of medications) is placed, and Jupiter in the 10th house is favorable for physicians, especially with Rahu.
He could not crack the exam and had more gaps in education than the female because Mars Dasha is not a yoga karaka in Navamsha, being inimical to Aquarius lagna. Placed in the 2nd house of maraka with markesh Sun, it had given some health issues to the native. However, he is very close to cracking this exam and will definitely succeed in the coming papers.
In the female’s case, the 5th lord serves as the dasha lord in both Navamsha and Rashi. However, the dasha lord, Mars, is inimical to the 5th lord of Navamsha. Additionally, if we look at D24, the chart for education, Mars is not in an auspicious position for the male.
In contemplating the vast terrain of Vedic astrology, our exploration has transcended the traditional emphasis on Rashi charts (D1) to acknowledge the subtle yet potent influence of Navamsha and divisional charts. The case studies of the male and female, born within a 30-minute difference yet sharing the same Rashi chart, vividly illustrate the nuanced impact of Navamsha on diverse aspects of their lives.
Don’t fall for astrologers who don’t use Varga charts- it is basically conjecture if an astrologer is not using varga or not competent to use it. Varga charts are key in today’s astrology. We have lost much of our ancient knowledge of Jyotisha—some say we have only a few things in bits and pieces, but we have Parashara’s scientific approach to Varga charts. I have not delved into other Vargas in this article today—so that it won’t become more complex—but you esteemed readers can use and cross-check in relevant varga what is being seen in Navamsha.
I am interested in conducting a study where I collect at least 1000 horoscopes of babies born in different families, neighbouring cities, or towns, all within a 30-minute difference. All these individuals would share the same Rashi chart (D1), and my goal is to trace their lives up to 30 years and observe how vargas are playing their game under the Rashi chart. This study has the potential to unveil insights about Varga charts, Dasha, and many other astrological aspects.
However, the vision for such comprehensive research acknowledges the need for a competent team, recognizing the intricate nature of Jyotish exploration. The assertion that any research based on fewer than 500 horoscopes is considered weak underscores the importance of robust data sets for meaningful astrological investigations.
Moreover, it’s worth noting that no such research has ever been conducted in known astrological history. This ground-breaking study has the potential to challenge and dispel many myths currently held in astrological circles, particularly among traditionalists who resort to guesswork due to the lack of reliable research in this field. It is not an attempt to undermine their approach but rather to encourage a shift towards a more evidence-based understanding, breaking new ground and contributing to the evolution of astrological practices. This initiative respects the traditions (parampara) while paving the way for a more nuanced and informed approach to the profound science of Jyotish.
This is amazing. Thanks you for writing this. Will look forward for more gems of knowledge from you
Great work Yashraj-ji. I think one issue in using varg chart is availability of accurate birth time. Rashi chart doesnt change much with a few mins diff and hence unless you have exact time, it would be tricky to use varg charts. That sais, birth time rectification would help. I think you have done work on that topic as well. Keep up the good work.