Debilitated planet/Neech Grah!
Here I will more emphasize on hindi word ‘Neech’, means a debilitated planet could lack in morals, idealism and more coward and greedy. Whereas exalted planet are just opposite of debilitated.
We are in ‘kalyuga’ where debilitated planet with some benefic affection can do very good, especially planets whose neech bhanga is happening.
But why only in kalyuga?
Here the concept of desh, kaal, patra comes into play. In Kalyuga, most of us are not so pure. So, energies syncs easily and debilitated planet helps people to go through lowest level of karma or materialistic work to achieve something but exalted helps to go through highest level to achieve something. These debilitated planets makes ones very cunning and they are more selfish to gain and achieve something. But don’t forget to analyse a chart completely because there are many considerations, debilitated planets can only help if they are in benefic influence.
For ex: Why person with exalted sun is more respected than debilitated one? Just because Exalted sun person will help others and hence attains attention of others. But debilitated sun person will be more selfishand only do social service for his/her needs or even may not.
But why Sun in Aries is helping others selflessly and not in libra?
A very basic answer is the aspect of Sun. We all know that 7th aspect/house (from any house) is strength of that house. Thus, Sun in Aries will always aspect 7th house Libra and Libra is house of other people and also serving others. So, aspect of Sun on 7th gives strength by working for others or dealing other people, and this also causes ego sometimes. But Sun in Libra will gain it’s strength by working for self not others.
Note: Don’t confuse with 6th house of service because business is seen from 7th and in business people also serve others need.
Another meaning: A person with exalted 10th lord will not like to do small jobs or business and he/she always look for something unique and big, just because of self respect. But person with debilitated 10th lord will agree to do small jobs or business and if other good yogas are present then person rises with time. So, debilitated planet also gives slow start.
Also, Debilitated planet are more materialistic than exalted ones. Like: exalted Venus will force leads to spirituality or gyan but debilitated venus people are more into cinema, luxury etc. But here debilitated Venus should be in benefic influence. Now, we can see that, in Kalyuga movie stars etc have more followers than a monk or sadhu. The reason is the syncing of energies with others people in kalyuga. We all are more materialistic.
Debilitated planet does very well in 6th house, if it’s alone there, and lagna is strong.
This is because, person will have to face low level of enemies, competitions and small diseases. And if lagna is weak then it can be dangerous.
Conclusion: A debilitated planet is weak and strong both, like all other planets. An exalted planet could be weak and strongboth. But a debilitated planet with beneifc influence, if strongly placed in 2nd house then it can help one in finances, but if weak then it’s worst. But if that weak planet is in 6th house then it’s good. So, it depends on chart. Like debilitated and weak lords of 3, 6 & 11 are good.
So, the main difference is avastha and nature of the planet. Strength is totally different thing and is judged by many other factors.
Note: If any planet is debilitated in it’s special degrees then they are bad and weak, they can help only if others planets are supporting it.
Sir, I read that the 7th house aspect of debilitated planet is very strong and auspicious Is it correct?
Check the parameters of 7th house. Which is lord of house, karaka Venus & Saturn in horoscope. They should be well placed for 7th house.
what about venus debilitated with libra lagna . Having no parashara aspect