I don’t know the most dangerous horoscope. But the horoscope of the most dangerous person will be the most dangerous horoscope. Now, I think here dangerous means, the one who is evil or having low level of ethics and a bad soul. Now, I can give a hint to identify such a bad thing in […]
Mangal Dosha- it’s working and effects
Almost 50% humans are manglik. But please don’t call it a dosha. It can prove boon or bane, both for any individual. It depends on overall horoscope. A native becomes manglik if Mars is present in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house/bhava. And it is not dangerous until other deadly combinations supports it. […]
Each house in Navamsha Chart
D-9 chart is one of the important divisional chart. And I strongly believe and found that divisional charts and houses/bhava in it have meanings. As D-9 chart is specifically seen for spouse/marriage/luck. But this chart shows the inner results of planet, and is more fine-tuned chart, i.e. whatever is promised in D-1 that has to […]