IAS officer is not an ordinary status. It is an highly administrative profile, the one who deals with government & ministers etc. It is a kind of a royal job or work. No classics have written about the IAS officers planetary combinations. But, it is a work where individual deals with royal figures and have a lot of power. It is a work of idealism and nobility. Yes, few IAS officers are corrupt too, and for that a different combination plays its role.
To have an authority like an IAS officer. A good intellect and wisdom is required and in India, the competition for such role are very tough.
So after considering all such factors required to become an IAS officer, presenting the required astrological combinations to become eligible for IAS officer astrologically.
As I stated earlier the royalty of IAS officer or any other government administrative job, the role of Jupiter and Sun becomes very important along with their Sagittarius and Leo sign. These two planets and signs are purely significator of royal things and administration.
They should have prime influence on Lagan and 10th house/lord of D-1 and D-10. Sagittarius and Leo is 9th and 5th house of natural zodiac, so these two houses/lord should also be strong enough. 5th and 9th are also ones intellect and judging capabilities.
5th house is the bhavat bhavam of 3rd house. 3rd house is 6th from the 10th house, and 10th from 6th house. It is the prime house of courage and mentor as well. 3rd house is also the bhavat bhavam of 2nd and the 8th house. 8th house is the sudden events, an administrative person should be strong enough to deal with sudden events, and should have a good presence of mind, 3rd house.
Saturn is the planet of masses and to have a good contact with masses, Saturn should be extremely well placed.
Capricorn is the 10th sign of natural zodiac, it should be watched in D-10. This Capricorn should be aspected or having PAC relations with D-10’s Lagna or 5th house, and D-1’s Lagna, 10th or 5th lord. More the connection will result in stronger the sign.
Amk or Amatyakaraka should be well placed & connected with above given conditions. Amk should be well placed from AK or Atmakaraka in D-9 and D-10. Amk should be in Jamini Rajyoga’s.
Other important factors:
- 5th and 6th lord should be in mutually kendra to each other, in D-1 and D-9. To crack tough competition, but it is not necessary. 3rd lord in 6th or 6th in 3rd gives similar results.
- Dasha lord at birth should be friendly placed in D-10, and have PAC relation of Sun or Jupiter.
- D-10 chart should be strong with decent amount of Rajyoga.
- Lagna lord of D-10 should be well placed in D-1 and D-9, along with royal relations.
- A untainted Gaj-keshari Yoga presence boosts idealism and nobility in a person.
- Influence of Rahu on Jupiter and Sun can make one corrupt.
Lets understand with the help of few examples:

He is a retired IAS officer. See lagna rising is Sagittarius, a royal sign. 10th lord is mercury in 2nd house along with 5th and 9th lord, they are Sun and Mars as well and receiving the aspect of Jupiter from the 6th house of service. 3rd lord in lagna and aspecting the 3rd house, 3rd house is quite strong. Amk is Saturn, placed in lagna and untainted.
In D-9, Amk is in Leo sign, a royal sign. Moon and Sun both aspecting the 10th house and 10th lord is in 12th house and aspected by 9th lord of royalty. 5th and 6th lord are aspecting each other.
In D-10, 4th sign of D-1 is rising in D-10, which is very good. Lagna and 10th lord of D-10 is vargottam in D-9. 10th house has Mars in Sagittarius sign and aspected by Moon and Sun. 5th and 6th lord are in Kendra to each other. Amk in D-9 is with Jupiter in 3rd house.

In D-1, 3rd lord is with 10th lord in 8th house. 5th lord is in 10th house, Jupiter in sign of Leo. 6th lord is aspecting 3rd house and 3rd lord is aspecting the 5th house in 10 house.
In D-9, Sagittarius is rising with Sun and Saturn in it. Mercury is exalted in 10th house and aspected by Saturn & Mars, 3rd lord and 5th lord from 3rd house. 5th and 6th lord are in kendra to each other.
In D-10, Sagittarius is again rising, it is 2nd house of D-1 and friendly. Jupiter is well placed in D-1 and D-9. Lagna lord is in 9th house with Sun and Saturn and Venus, lord of 9th, 3rd and 6th. 10th lord is in 11th house and aspected by Saturn, the 3rd lord. Jupiter is also aspecting the lagna.
- Lagna and Lagna lord of D-10 is more important than 10th house/lord. Lagna of D-10 shows overall working environment. But, 10th house/lord is very specific.
- Role of royalty signs and planets are important.
- Mars is the significator of 3rd house, its role is also seen.
- Mutual kendra position of 6th and 5th lord or 3rd and 6th house/lord combinations gives ability to deal in tough situations and competitions.
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