Every divisional chart has some story in it and without them we can’t predict accurately. D-1 chart is only the foundation chart, whatever results D-1 promises that should also be promised in these divisional chart, because D-1 is having a span of 2 hours approx and many births can take place in these hours, but destiny is different for everyone. Here, there family background etc. affects but at least if someone has afflicted 4th house then mother or land will be in problem. But I have seen many chart having same D-1 but totally different lifestyle. Divisional charts plays there role to differentiate the destiny.
Sh. Parashara ji has given maximum points to D-9 chart after D-60 and D-1, D-60 has maximum importance in shadvarga scheme and it is found to be perfect in practice also. But D-60 is very sensitive chart, changes every 2 mins approx where D-9 is not, so we extensively use it for checking the promises and predicts and margin of error is decreased to some extent by using divisional charts.
Let’s see these two chart, having almost identical D-1 chart but different D-9 and other divisions. I know both of them very closely and both have no similarities but having similar lagna or D-1 chart. I use D-10 very extensively because it is not for profession only but whatever is important is to be seen through it, it is main chart of our karma, and profession should be seen from the 10th house of D-10.
- He is introvert but still having good respect and image in society.
- Good in studies, intellectual, logical, philosophical skills, also interested in occult but very confused and low confidence. Having more idealism.
- Eldest of his parents, only one younger brother.
- No relationship with opposite sex yet, and not even good interaction with them.
- Having struggle with anxiety and depression with suicidal thoughts.
- Mother is having little illness, and father is okay having govt. job in finance field.
- More connected to maternal family than paternal, also completed his intermediate education while staying with maternal family. Good technical brain and studying engineering.
- Struggling in current Saturn-Venus period, academics result are not so good in graduation.
- In D-1, Debilitated Jupiter in 3rd house shows his weak social bonding and it got confirmed in D-9, having Retrograde Mars and Rahu in 3rd and 3rd lord in 12th showing some social network away from home only but weak.
- With Saturn-Ketu in D-1 and 5th lord in 3rd showing some struggle in education but in D-9 with 5th mercury and moon, he got good brain and intellect. Moon is 8th lord also showing occult interest, but moon being 8th lord and in D-10 placed in 8th house has also giving suicidal tendencies but aspect of Jupiter is saving him.
- Rahu in 11th house has made him eldest and in D-9 again, 11th lord is having pap kartari of mars-rahu and moon (negative because mars is 12th lord and moon is 8th lord, born on amavasya), again in D-10 11th lord is debilitated with Rahu in 8th from 11th house.
- 5th lord has Saturn-Ketu not favorable for love relationship though 7th lord Venus, significator of love is exalted in D-9 but having bad lordship also, 5th lord with Rahu and 8th lord in 5th has made him secretive and introvert. More important is to see 7th lord of D-10 is in 8th with Venus and 7th has debilitated mars showing lack of actions and an unusual situation because it is retrograde.
- 6th lord connection to 4th house/lord in D-1 and D-9 has confirmed some illness to mother.
- 4th lord with ketu and & in D-9 is with dispositer of ketu, also 6th lord in 4th (6th is maternal uncles) is showing his more connection with maternal family.
- He’s in Saturn MD which is not so favourable for education being 3rd lord and struggle and placed in 12th house in D-9, 12th is 8th from 5th but exchange with mars is some saving factor, otherwise results would be more negative.
- He’s youngest of his parents, with two elder sisters.
- Extrovert, but not having much respect, being criticized sometimes because of his weird and nonsense actions. Having difficulty to attain good respect. Also having show off tendency.
- Lack of wisdom and idealism, but avg in studies and having good scores in academics.
- Having love relationships with opposite sex and also very good interaction with them.
- Mother is also extrovert and smart, no illness.
- Smooth life, without much struggle, loves traveling and enjoying with friends. More into materialistic things.
- Completed his intermediate from his natal place. Not so good technical brain but studying engineering.
- See Rahu in 11th has not made him eldest but still 1st male child of parents. He is youngest because 3rd lord of navamsha is with Rahu and in 3rd house there is 8th and 6th lord also Saturn in 8th from 3rd house. It is more clear if we see D-3 chart, there Mars and Rahu are in 3rd house destroying younger.
- In D-9, he got Lagna lord in 10th house and 3rd lord in lagna having great exchange also and with 3rd mercury he becomes social and extrovert. Saturn in Lagna of D-10 has made him less respectable in society and having problems because of his actions. (Saturn is debilitated in Lagna, and whenever it is placed in 1st bhava, person struggles to get respect and recognition.)
- 5th placed jupiter strong has not obstructed and giving good education but bonding of Saturn-Mars is lacking his idealism, but still jupiter is having aspect is relief. D-10 second lord is debilitated and 2nd house is aspected by debilitated showing unnecessary showing off tendencies.
- Venus is 7th lord of lagna and exalted in D-9 with his dispositer in 5th house, he’s in relationship with a girl with start of Saturn-Venus.
- 4th lord/house is only afflicted in D-1, but D-9 lord is exalted and having Sun.
- He’s in Saturn MD, which is very well placed in D-9 and D-10, is good for smooth life.
- Influence of Ketu is only in D-1 and not coming to D-9 strongly, because Ketu dispositer Sun is placed but Venus is more strong and placed in 2nd house.
Note: I did this comparison, just to show that how divisional charts play their role under main lagna chart.
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